Since I didn't blog anything from Oct 2009-June 2010, I figured I'd bring up some of the stuff I shot from the past 6 mos or so.
Christmas Day 2009 was the first chance I had been able to really get out and explore part of Seoul. A friend and I took the train from Camp Casey down to Seoul and headed for the famous
Namdaemun Market. It is more ore less a huge flea type market with hundreds of vendors, selling anything from food to clothes, medicine to electronics. Some of it is indoors, some outdoors and some underground. We spent all day walking around, trying the food and taking pictures.
Before we headed home, we took a taxi to the
63 Building, which is one of the tallest buildings in Seoul. There is an observation deck on one of the top floors. It has a couple restaurants, and an art Exhibit, all on the same top floor. It was very busy that night with lots of families.
Below are a handful of photos from the day trip. To see all the photos, please go here:
Xmas Day in Seoul
More food...
Nut store
And more food.
Heating lamps form an alley way food stand
Night time at the market
Fresh fish stand; my favorite shot of the day
Part of the art exhibit in 63 Building
Building 63 observation deck
Visitor notes; everyone would post notes wishing for peace and to just say hi
There were little Korean kids everywhere
View from the observation deck